This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2024.3, which is no longer actively maintained.

For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy.

Change the default temporary folder

xDI Runtime uses a temp subdirectory as its default temporary folder.

This article explains how to change the directory the runtime should use as a temporary folder.

Configure xDI Runtime

Find the runtime configuration file, engineParameters.xml, in the properties subdirectory of the runtime install path. Open engineParameters.xml for editing.

Find the parameter with the attribute name="temporaryFolder". It is found under the <engineParameters> node, in a section for common parameters:

    Common Parameters
    <parameter name="userLogDefaultName" value="logDatabase"/>
    <parameter name="debugLevel" value="0"/>
    <parameter name="temporaryFolder" value="temp"/>
    <parameter name="repositoryCacheFolder" value="build/cache/repository"/>
    <parameter name="deliveryExtension" value="deliv"/>
    <parameter name="defaultFetchSize" value="1000"/>
    <parameter name="defaultBatchSize" value="1000"/>
    <parameter name="defaultJdbcConnectionTimeout" value="100"/>
    <parameter name="defaultJdbcQueryTimeout" value="100"/>
    <parameter name="defaultSessionReportNumber" value="10"/>
    <parameter name="memoryLogScanDelay" value="10000"/>

Change the value of temporaryFolder to a directory path of your choice. You can use full or relative paths. Make sure that the directory already, and that the runtime can write to it.

Save the configuration file, and start the runtime to take the changes into account.