This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2024.3, which is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Configure runtimes
Semarchy xDI Analytics connects runtimes to monitor their status, activity and sessions.
Configure a runtime
To configure a runtime:
In the Analytics toolbar, in the user menu, select Administration.
In the Administration editor, select the Runtimes tab.
Click the Add button.
Specify the Name for the runtime
Enter the Host and the Port on which to connect
The host must include the protocol, such ashttp://hostname
Although deprecated, the RMI protocol is still supported for compatibility with legacy Semarchy xDI Runtime versions. Use HTTP instead when possible. However, if you are in a situation where using RMI is necessary, make sure the target Semarchy xDI Runtime supports it and use
Optionally set a User and Password if you have configured authenticated access for this runtime.
Test the connection through the Test button
Select Show in logs selection to have this runtime appear in the profile selector.
Select Hide in navigator to hide this runtime from the Navigator view.
Select Disable log database proxy to prevent xDI Analytics from retrieving session information from this runtime. Use this option if you have separately configured a connection to the runtime’s log database.
Save the editor.
If the Runtime is accessed with HTTPS, ensure that the certificate is accepted by the JVM: