This is documentation for Semarchy xDI 2024.3, which is no longer actively maintained. For more information, see our Global Support and Maintenance Policy. |
Scripting context reference
When a Semarchy xDI process interprets a script, an object is passed to this script, allowing the script to access the runtime engine features. This object is called the context object
The context object provides:
A return value used for code substitution and condition evaluation.
Methods to manipulate variables and values.
The context object is accessed with the syntax __ctx__
, followed by a .
, then the requested feature. For example, access methods with the syntax __ctx__.method()
The following sections describes the elements available in this object.
Return value
The scripting context provides a retValue
variable. Use this String variable to:
Return a Boolean value to the condition interpreter.
Return a String that replaces the script with its result during code generation.
Publish variable values
The publishVariable
method publishes a session variable.
public void publishVariable(String name, String value) {}
public void publishVariable(String name, String value, String type) {}
Parameter | Description |
name |
Path of the variable. |
value |
Value of the variable. |
type |
Type of the variable. The default value is String. Possible values are:
The following example publishes a string variable named INCREMENTAL_MODE
, with the value ACTIVE
, to the parent process of the current action.
The following example publishes multiple variables to the parent process of the current action, with explicit type declarations.
__ctx__.publishVariable("../OUT_CODE", "0", "Integer");
__ctx__.publishVariable("../OUT_MSG", "Success", "String");
Get aggregated variable values
The following methods return aggregated values for a variable. This aggregate is either a Sum, Average, Count, Min, or Max. The aggregation is done within a given path.
public String sumVariable(String name) {}
public String sumVariable(String name, String startingPath) {}
public String averageVariable(String name) {}
public String averageVariable(String name, String startingPath) {}
public String countVariable(String name) {}
public String countVariable(String name, String startingPath) {}
public String minVariable(String name) {}
public String minVariable(String name, String startingPath) {}
public String maxVariable(String name) {}
public String maxVariable(String name, String startingPath) {}
Parameter | Description |
name |
Name of the variable |
startingPath |
Path into which the variable values are aggregated. If this parameter is omitted, the values are aggregated for the entire Session. |
The following example aggregates the numbers of rows processed for the LOAD_DIMENSION process and all its sub-processes and steps.
nb_rows = __ctx__.sumVariable("SQL_NB_ROWS","../LOAD_DIMENSION");
Get bind link iteration
The getCurrentBindIteration
method returns the current bind iteration number for a bind link.
public long getCurrentBindIteration() {}
Get variable values
Session variables
The getVariableValue
method returns the value of a session variable.
public String getVariableValue(String path) {}
Parameter | Description |
path |
Variable path. |
The following sample retrieves the value of the CORE_SESSION_ID
session_id = __ctx__.getVariableValue("/CORE_SESSION_ID");
Bind variables
Use the getSourceResultSet
method to return a ResultSet
object that holds the results of a bind link.
public ResultSet getSourceResultSet() {}
The getString
method of that object can retrieve the value of a bind variable.
public String getSourceResultSet().getString(String name) {}
Parameter | Description |
name |
The name of a bind variable within the object context. |
The following sample creates a result
object, and assigns the value of two bind variables to local script variables.
ResultSet result = __ctx__.getSourceResultSet();
Get variable cumulative value
When bind or a loop makes an action iterate, variables store their value for the last iteration.
The getVariableCumulativeValue
method retrieves the cumulated values for numeric variables.
public Object getVariableCumulativeValue(String name) {}
Parameter | Description |
Name |
Path of the numeric variable. |
Get variable tree
The getVariableTreeByName method
returns a Java treeMap
object that contains variables corresponding to certain criteria.
public Map<String, IVariable> getVariableTreeByName(String name) {}
public Map<String, IVariable> getVariableTreeByName(String name, String startingPath) {}
public Map<String, IVariable> getVariableTreeByName(String name, boolean withErrors) {}
public Map<String, IVariable> getVariableTreeByName(String name, String startingPath, boolean withErrors)
Parameter | Description |
name |
Name of the published variable. |
startingPath |
Path from which the variable must be searched. Defaults to |
withErrors |
Boolean value. If set to |
The returned Java Map object has the name of the action as the key, and its value is a variable object with the following methods:
public Object getCumulativeValue(); // variable cumulated value (numbers only)
public String getShortName(); // variable name.
public String getName(); // variable name with path.
public String getActionName(); // action name with path.
public String getType(); // variable type.
public String getValue(); // variable value.
The following sample retrieves the stack trace for all the steps in error.
def a = ""
def tree = __ctx__.getVariableTreeByName("CORE_STACK_TRACE","~/",true)
if (tree.size() != 0) {
def es=tree.entrySet()
a = a+ "-- ACTION --> " + it.key + "\n"
a = a+ it.value.getValue() +"\n\n"
__ctx__.retValue = a
a = "";
tree = __ctx__.getVariableTreeByName("CORE_STACK_TRACE","~/",true);
if (tree.size() != 0) {
for (i= tree.keySet().iterator() ; i.hasNext() ; ){
action =;
maVar = tree.get(action);
a = a+ "-- ACTION --> " + action + "\n";
a = a+ maVar.getValue() +"\n\n";
__ctx__.retValue = a
Get variable list
The getLstVariablesByName
method works like getVariableTreeByName
, but returns a list of variables instead of a Java Map.
public List<IVariable> getLstVariablesByName(String name) {}
public List<IVariable> getLstVariablesByName(String name, boolean withErrors) {}
public List<IVariable> getLstVariablesByName(String name, String startingPath) {}
public List<IVariable> getLstVariablesByName(String name, String startingPath, boolean withErrors) {}
Parameter | Description |
name |
Name of the published variable. |
startingPath |
Path from which the variable must be searched. Defaults to |
withErrors |
Boolean value. If set to |
def a = ""
def lst = __ctx__.getLstVariablesByName("V1","~/")
if (lst.size() != 0) {
for (var in lst) {
a =a + var.getValue() + "\n"
__ctx__.retValue = a
a = "";
lst = __ctx__.getLstVariablesByName("V1","~/");
if (lst.size() != 0) {
for (i=0;i<lst.size();i++){
a = a+ "-- Value --> " + lst.get(i).getValue() +"\n";
__ctx__.retValue = a;
Create bind prepared statement
The createBindedPreparedStatement
method returns an object that can produce a custom set of bind columns in a scripting. These can then be used in an outgoing Bind link.
public PreparedStatement createBindedPreparedStatement() {}
This object allows you to manipulate column definitions as well as publishing rows.
Manage column definition
Use the setColumn
method to define properties of a column.
public void setColumn(int columnId, String columnName);
public void setColumn(int columnId, String columnName, String dataType)
public void setColumn(int columnId, String columnName, String dataType, int precision);
public void setColumn(int columnId, String columnName, String dataType, int precision, int scale);
Update column properties
Use the following methods to update the properties of a column.
public void setColumnName(int columnId, String columnName);
public void setColumnPrecision(int columnId, int precision);
public void setColumnType(int columnId, String dataType);
Set the value
Use the following methods to set or update the value of a column in the current row.
public void setBigDecimal(int columnId, BigDecimal value);
public void setBoolean(int columnId, boolean value);
public void setBytes(int columnId, byte[] value);
public void setDate(int columnId, Date value);
public void setDouble(int columnId, double value);
public void setInt(int columnId, int value);
public void setLong(int columnId, long value);
public void setString(int columnId, String value);
public void setTime(int columnId, Time value);
public void setTimestamp(int columnId, Timestamp value);
Publish a new row
The executeUpdate
method can publishes a new row.
public int executeUpdate()
// Create the statement
// Definition of the columns
ps.setColumn(1,"TEST1"); // Set column 1
ps.setColumn(2,"TEST2","VARCHAR",255); // Set column 2
// First Bind Iteration
// Second Bind Iteration
Use this method in Scripting Actions to create your own Bind columns. For example, this can be useful to iterate on a list of values in a script, and use the result as Bind values in the target action. |
Execute commands
The following methods execute commands on runtimes:
runs a command on the current runtime. -
runs a list of commands, separated by a defined separator character, on the current runtime. -
runs a command on a remote runtime. -
runs a list of commands, separated by a defined separator character, on a remote runtime.
The available commands are the same as with the startcommand
public String executeCommand(String command) {}
public String executeCommands(String commands, String separator) {}
public String executeRemoteCommand(String host, int port, String command) {}
public String executeRemoteCommand(String host, int port, String command, User, encrypted Password) {}
public String executeRemoteCommands(String host, int port, String commands, String separator) {}
public String executeRemoteCommands(String host, int port, String commands, String separator, User, encrypted Password) {}
These methods return the standard output produced by the command execution process.
Parameter | Description |
command |
Command executed by the runtime. |
commands |
List of commands executed by the runtime, separated by the separator. |
separator |
Separator used to separate the commands. |
host |
Hostname or IP address of the remote runtime that executes the commands. The protocol must be explicitly declared in front, such as |
port |
Port of the remote Runtime. |
user |
User to authenticate to the runtime. |
Encrypted password |
The user’s encrypted password. |
// Run commands on the current runtime
__ctx__.executeCommand("versions"); (1)
__ctx__.executeCommands("versions;get deliveries",";"); (2)
// Run commands on a remote runtime
__ctx__.executeRemoteCommand("http://hostname","42200","versions"); (3)
__ctx__.executeRemoteCommand("https://hostname","42200","versions","user","encrypted password"); (4)
__ctx__.executeRemoteCommands("http://hostname","42200","versions;get deliveries",";"); (5)
__ctx__.executeRemoteCommands("https://hostname","42200","versions;get deliveries",";","user","encrypted password); (6)
1 | Run a single command on the current runtime. |
2 | Run multiple commands on the current runtime. |
3 | Run a single command on a remote runtime. |
4 | Run a single command on a remote runtime, with HTTPS protocol and a user password. |
5 | Run multiple commands on a remote runtime. |
6 | Run multiple commands on a remote runtime, with HTTPS protocol and a user password. |