Google Cloud Secret Manager component release notes This page lists the main features added to the Google Cloud Secret Manager component. Changelog Version 2024.3.0 Feature improvements DI-9587: Updated main component libraries to the latest versions. Version 2024.2.0 Feature improvements DI-8884: Updated Google components' libraries and dependencies. Version 2024.1.12 Feature improvements DI-10878: Updated component libraries to the latest versions. Version 2024.1.0 Feature improvements DI-8597: Update Google components to the latest version. Version 2023.1.5 Feature improvements DI-8182: Third-Party library upgrade. Version 2023.1.0 (component pack) Bug fixes DI-6278: Multiple third-party libraries upgrade. DI-6474: Secret Manager upgrade. Version 3.0.0 (Component pack) Feature improvements DI-1991: First version of Google Cloud Secret Manager Component DI-4508: Update Components and Designer to take into account dedicated license permissions DI-4962: Improved component dependencies and requirements management Google Cloud Secret Manager Google Cloud Storage Delivery Repository